Who holds your wine? All about wine containers

Translating cellar terms across English, French, Spanish and Italian

During the winemaking process, wine is constantly entering and exiting from containers made of different materials. This is what contributes to the evolution of simple and complex aromas. Whether a stainless steel tank or a French oak barrel, the choice you make will make all the difference. Here is a list of types of containers, types of materials, and a breakdown of what makes up the wine tank:

  1. Barrel:
    • French: Baril or Fût or Tonneau
    • Spanish: Barril or Foudre
    • Italian: Botte
  2. Barrique:
    • French: Barrique
    • Spanish: Barrica
    • Italian: Barrique
  3. Cask
    • French: Tonneau
    • Spanish: Barrica
    • Italian: Botte
  4. Tank:
    • French: Cuve
    • Spanish: Tina
    • Italian: Serbatoio or Vasca
  5. Amphorae:
    • French: Amphore
    • Spanish: Ánfora
    • Italian: Anfora
  6. Bin:
    • French: Poubelle
    • Spanish: Recipiente
    • Italian: Bidone
  7. Steel
    • French: Acier
    • Spanish: Acero
    • Italian: Acciaio
  8. Concrete
    • French: Béton
    • Spanish: Concreto or Hormigón
    • Italian: Cemento
  9. Wood
    • French: Bois
    • Spanish: Madera
    • Italian: Legno
  10. Oak
    • French: Chêne
    • Spanish: Roble
    • Italian: Rovere
  11. Ceramic
    • French: Céramique
    • Spanish: Cerámica
    • Italian: Ceramica
  12. Terracotta
    • French: Terre cuite
    • Spanish: Terracota
    • Italian: Terracotta
  13. Plastic
    • French: Plastique
    • Spanish: Plástico
    • Italian: Plastica
  14. Resin
    • French: Résine
    • Spanish: Resina
    • Italian: Resina

There are many different types of stainless tank, here some examples:

  1. Conical Fermenter
    • French: Fermenteur conique
    • Spanish: Fermentador cónico
    • Italian: Fermentatore conico
  2. Variable Capacity Tank (Floating Lid Tank)
    • French: Cuve à capacité variable (cuve à couvercle flottant)
    • Spanish: Tanque de capacidad variable (tanque de tapa flotante)
    • Italian: Serbatoio a capacità variabile (serbatoio a coperchio galleggiante)
  3. Closed Top Tank
    • French: Cuve à couvercle fermé
    • Spanish: Tanque de tapa cerrada
    • Italian: Serbatoio a chiusura ermetica
  4. Open Top Tank
    • French: Cuve à ciel ouvert
    • Spanish: Tanque de tapa abierta
    • Italian: Serbatoio aperto
  5. Jacketed Tank
    • French: Cuve à double paroi
    • Spanish: Tanque con camisa
    • Italian: Serbatoio con camicia
  6. Fermentation Tank
    • French: Cuve de fermentation
    • Spanish: Tanque de fermentación
    • Italian: Serbatoio di fermentazione
  7. Storage Tank
    • French: Cuve de stockage
    • Spanish: Tanque de almacenamiento
    • Italian: Serbatoio di stoccaggio
  8. Pressure Tank
    • French: Cuve sous pression
    • Spanish: Tanque de presión
    • Italian: Serbatoio a pressione
  9. Insulated Tank
    • French: Cuve isolée
    • Spanish: Tanque aislado
    • Italian: Serbatoio isolato
  10. Aging Tank
    • French: Cuve de vieillissement
    • Spanish: Tanque de envejecimiento
    • Italian: Serbatoio di invecchiamento
  11. Decantation Tank
    • French: Cuve de décantation
    • Spanish: Tanque de decantación
    • Italian: Serbatoio di decantazione

Below are the parts that make up the wine tank:

  1. Tank Body
    • French: Corps du réservoir
    • Spanish: Cuerpo de la tina
    • Italian: Corpo del serbatoio
  2. Manway/Manhole
    • French: Fermeture
    • Spanish: Puerta
    • Italian: Portella
  3. Lid/Cover
    • French: Couvercle
    • Spanish: Tapa
    • Italian: Coperchio
  4. Sampling Valve
    • French: Dégustateur
    • Spanish: Grifo
    • Italian: Assaggiavino
  5. Drain Valve
    • French: Vanne de vidange
    • Spanish: Válvula de drenaje
    • Italian: Valvola di scarico
  6. Racking Valve
    • French: Vanne de soutirage
    • Spanish: Válvula de trasiego
    • Italian: Valvola di travaso
  7. Cooling Jacket
    • French: Manteau de refroidissement
    • Spanish: Camisa de enfriamiento
    • Italian: Camicia di raffreddamento
  8. Thermometer
    • French: Thermomètre
    • Spanish: Termómetro
    • Italian: Termometro
  9. Sight Glass
    • French: Vitrage
    • Spanish: Mirilla
    • Italian: Indicatore di livello
  10. Agitator
    • French: Agitateur
    • Spanish: Agitador
    • Italian: Agitatore
  11. Vent/Breather Valve
    • French: Évent/Soupape de respiration
    • Spanish: Válvula de ventilación
    • Italian: Sfiato/Valvola di sfiato
  12. Pressure Relief Valve
    • French: Soupape de surpression
    • Spanish: Válvula de alivio de presión
    • Italian: Valvola di sicurezza
  13. Support Legs/Base
    • French: Pieds de support/Base
    • Spanish: Patas de soporte/Base
    • Italian: Gambe di supporto/Base
  14. Inlet/Outlet Ports
    • French: Ports d'entrée/sortie
    • Spanish: Puertos de entrada/salida
    • Italian: Porte di ingresso/uscita
  15. Lifting Lugs/Eyes
    • French: Anneaux de levage
    • Spanish: Orejas de elevación
    • Italian: Anelli di sollevamento
  16. Seals/Gaskets
    • French: Joints
    • Spanish: Juntas
    • Italian: Guarnizioni
  17. Hinges/Clamps
    • French: Charnières/Pinces
    • Spanish: Bisagras/Abrazaderas
    • Italian: Cerniere/Morsetti
  18. Bung
    • French: Bonde
    • Spanish: Tapón
    • Italian: Tappo
  19. Bunghole
    • French:Trou de bonde
    • Spanish: Boca del barril
    • Italian: Foro della botte

If you want to learn more terms related to the world of winemaking, you can also check out our blog posts on wine jobs and the vineyard. We have also built a wine dictionary where you can find all of these terms to help enrich your vocabulary.

Translating wine terms across languages offers insights into the cultural and linguistic diversity of the wine world. Whether you're exploring French vineyards, savoring Italian wines, or indulging in Spanish delicacies, it will add a depth and richness to the tasting experience. So the next time you raise a glass of vino, whether it’s rouge, rosso, or tinto, take a moment to appreciate the universal experience that brings people together across cultures and continents.

Salud, santé, cin cin, and cheers to the language of wine!