Cellar machinery and tools must always be handled with great care. To the same extent, a winery should always offer a safe work environment for their employees, equipped with the proper tools and care for their employee to succeed and use with a high degree of attention and knowledge. Especially when working abroad, it is very important to know the terms of these tools, as this is an area of work that requires special attention and communication with your teammates:
- Crusher
- French: Broyeur
- Spanish: Trituradora
- Italian: Pigiatrice
- Destemmer:
- French: Érafloir
- Spanish: Despalilladora
- Italian: Diraspatrice
- Pump
- French: Pompe
- Spanish: Bomba
- Italian: Pompa
- Peristaltic pump
- French: Pompe péristaltique
- Spanish: Bomba peristáltica
- Italian: Pompa peristaltica
- Pressure washer
- French: Nettoyeur haute pression
- Spanish: Lavadora a presión
- Italian: Idropulitrice
- Forklift
- French: Chariot élévateur
- Spanish: Montacargas
- Italian: Carrello elevatore or Muletto
- Bucket
- French: Seau
- Spanish: Cubo
- Italian: Secchio
- Shovel
- French: Pelle
- Spanish: Pala
- Italian: Pala
- Rake
- French: Rateau
- Spanish: Rastrillo
- Italian: Rastrello
- Ladder
- French: Échelle
- Spanish: Escalera
- Italian: Scala
- Tube
- French: Tube
- Spanish: Tubo
- Italian: Tubo
- Isinglass
- French: Ichtitocolle
- Spanish: Ictiocola
- Italian: Colla di pesce
- Bubbler airlock
- French: Borboteur
- Spanish: Borboteador
- Italian: Tappo gorgogliatore
- Fridge
- French: Réfrigérateur
- Spanish: Nevera
- Italian: Frigorifero
- Freezer
- French: Congélateur
- Spanish: Congelador
- Italian: Congelatore
If you want to learn more terms related to the world of winemaking, you can also check out our blog posts on wine jobs and the vineyard. We have also built a wine dictionary where you can find all of these terms to help enrich your vocabulary.
Translating wine terms across languages offers insights into the cultural and linguistic diversity of the wine world. Whether you're exploring French vineyards, savoring Italian wines, or indulging in Spanish delicacies, it will add a depth and richness to the tasting experience. So the next time you raise a glass of vino, whether it’s rouge, rosso, or tinto, take a moment to appreciate the universal experience that brings people together across cultures and continents.
Salud, santé, cin cin, and cheers to the language of wine!