When the grapes arrive at the winery, it’s fair to say that the chaos begins. Transforming a cluster of grapes into a bottle of wine is no easy task. This process can take months, if not years, of work and patience, where you cannot relax for even one single moment and are prone to a process full of pitfalls and surprises.
From receiving the grapes to bottling, these are the main steps of winemaking:
- Winemaking
- French: Vinification
- Spanish: Vinificación
- Italian: Vinificazione
- Crushing
- French: Foulage
- Spanish: Trituración
- Italian: Pigiatura
- Destemming
- French: Éraflage
- Spanish: Despalillado
- Italian: Diraspatura
- Pressing
- French: Pressurage
- Spanish: Prensado
- Italian: Pressatura
- Maceration
- French: Macération
- Spanish: Maceración
- Italian: Macerazione
- Pump over
- French: Remontage
- Spanish: Remontado
- Italian: Rimontaggio
- Punch down
- French: Pigeage
- Spanish: Bazuqueo
- Italian: Pigiatura
- Fermentation
- French: Fermentation
- Spanish: Fermentación
- Italian: Fermentazione
- Malolactic Fermentation
- French: Fermentation malolactique
- Spanish: Fermentación maloláctica
- Italian: Fermentazione malolattica
- Racking:
- French: Soutirage
- Spanish: Trasiega
- Italian: Travaso / Svinatura
- Aging/Maturation
- French: Vieillissement / Maturation
- Spanish: Envejecimiento / Maduración
- Italian: Invecchiamento / Maturazione
- Clarification
- French: Clarification
- Spanish: Clarificación
- Italian: Chiarificazione
- Filtration
- French: Filtration
- Spanish: Filtración
- Italian: Filtrazione
- Depth filtration
- French: Filtration en profondeur
- Spanish: Filtración en profundidad
- Italian: Filtrazione in profondità
- Membrane filtration
- French: Filtration sur membrane
- Spanish: Filtración por membrana
- Italian: Filtrazione a membrana
- Pad filtration
- French: Filtration sur plaque
- Spanish: Filtración por placa
- Italian: Filtrazione a piastra
- Centrifugal filtration
- French: Filtration centrifuge
- Spanish: Filtración centrifuga
- Italian: Filtrazione centrifuga
- Crossflow filtration
- French: Filtration à flux tengentiel
- Spanish: Filtración de flujo cruzado
- Italian: Filtrazione tangenziale
- Blending
- French: Assemblage
- Spanish: Mezcla
- Italian: Assemblaggio
- Sorting:
- French: Triage
- Spanish: Selección
- Italian: Selezione
- Bottling
- French: Embouteillage
- Spanish: Embotellado
- Italian: Imbottigliamento
- Topping
- French: Ouillage
- Spanish: Llenado
- Italian: Rabbocco or Colmatura
- Aeration
- French: Aération
- Spanish: Aeración
- Italian: Aerazione
- Fining
- French: Collage
- Spanish: Clarificación
- Italian: Chiarifica
- Chaptalization
- French: Chaptalisation
- Spanish: Flotación
- Italian: Flottazione
- Flotation
- French: Flottation
- Spanish: Aeración
- Italian: Aerazione
- Stabilization
- French: Stabilisation
- Spanish: Estabilización
- Italian: Stabilizzazione
- Cold stabilization
- French: Stabilisation à froid
- Spanish: Estabilizaciónen frío
- Italian: Stabilizzazione a freddo
- Cryoexctraction
- French: Cryoextraction
- Spanish: Crioestación
- Italian: Crioestrazione
- Cryomaceration
- French: Cryomacération
- Spanish: Criomaceración
- Italian: Criomacerazione
- Devatting
- French: Décuvage
- Spanish: Descube
- Italian: Svinatura
- First press
- French: Première pression
- Spanish: Primer prensado
- Italian: Prima spremitura
- Mutage
- French: Mutage
- Spanish: Mutado
- Italian: Mutizzazione
- Fortification
- French: Mutage
- Spanish: Fortificación
- Italian: Fortificazione
- Osmotic pressure
- French: Pression osmotique
- Spanish: Presión osmótica
- Italian: Pressione osmotica
- Labeling
- French: Étiquetage
- Spanish: Etiquetado
- Italian: Etichettatura
- Packaging
- French: Emballage
- Spanish: Embalaje
- Italian: Confezionamento
- Cleaning:
- French: Nettoyage
- Spanish: Limpieza
- Italian: Pulizia
If you want to learn more terms related to the world of winemaking, you can also check out our blog posts on wine jobs and the vineyard. We have also built a wine dictionary where you can find all of these terms to help enrich your vocabulary.
Translating wine terms across languages offers insights into the cultural and linguistic diversity of the wine world. Whether you're exploring French vineyards, savoring Italian wines, or indulging in Spanish delicacies, it will add a depth and richness to the tasting experience. So the next time you raise a glass of vino, whether it’s rouge, rosso, or tinto, take a moment to appreciate the universal experience that brings people together across cultures and continents.
Salud, santé, cin cin, and cheers to the language of wine!